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Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food.

A Daft Punk Christmas

A Daft Punk Christmas

A friend of ours tagged us in a Facebook post last night. For once it wasn't a dancing cat, mannequin challenge or some other innocquous click bait that sent me in a spiral of click throughs before I wondered where the last 15 minutes had disappeared to.


Feast your eyes on these bad boys.  


Daft Punk Christmas decorations! I can't quite express how much love I have for these. Though the fact that I used an exclamation mark should give you a measure of my feelings.

Even though they won't ship until February 2017, long after our Christmas tree will be dismantled and banished to the garage for another year, I am so excited. They'll be worth the wait.

We're pretty big Daft Punk fans in our house. In fact, much to the confusion and amusement of many of our family and friends, they even played a starring role in our wedding earlier this year.

We've taken to collecting unusual Christmas decorations and these will be the perfect throwback to the big day - as well as a nice little geeky homage to one of our favourite artists. 


See them in all their glory and buy them here  https://www.daftpunk.com/products/thomas-and-guy-christmas-tree-ornament-set 

We might only be two days into the official Christmas countdown but I'm already looking forward to Christmas 2017 when we'll (hopefully) have these, pride of place on our tree. 

#WearingIrish is not just for St Patrick’s Day

#WearingIrish is not just for St Patrick’s Day

Walk This Way - Whiskey Walk

Walk This Way - Whiskey Walk